Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4 months & vacation

Lily Claire is four months old now... time has certainly passed quickly. I waited until after her 4 month checkup to post this because I wanted to post her stats! Lily Claire weighs 14 lbs, 9 oz and she is 23 1/4 inches long! She is very close to sitting up all by herself! She has tried cereal, bananas, and green beans! Here are her four month pictures...
This past weekend she went on her first trip and to her first wedding! We traveled to Americus, GA to Zachs cousins wedding! We were able to visit with Meme (Lily's great grandmother), Gloria, & Carlene (Lily's great-great Aunts) and lots of cousins!! Meme hasn't seen Lily since she was a few weeks old so as you can imagine she was VERY excited to see her!! We had a great weekend with Zach's family and were so happy to be able to go visit!! Here is a picture of the 4 generations (Meme, Ken, Zach, & Lily)...
Here are a few pictures from this past month...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sneak Peek

Lily Claire and I had pictures done Monday....Joe Jones came to our house and spent the morning capturing our mother/daughter moments! We had a blast and Lily did a great job! He sent me a sneak peek picture so I thought I would share it with everyone...

I absolutely LOVE this picture and can't wait to see the rest!!
Thank you Joe!!