Monday, August 13, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Lily started her first dance class last week. She is so precious in her tights and leotard! She walked right in there and started looking back for mommy, no tears, no hesitation. I couldn't believe it. I have to keep reminding myself that she is growing badly as I want her to stay little she is growing up right before my eyes. Learning new things every day and growing more independent each day. Her dance teacher is so great with her age group, she gives them stickers each time they accomplish a goal and gives out gummies too! They all had so much fun together and I know they will enjoy many more years of dance together! Here are a few pictures from her very first dance class!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Life lately

It's been a while since I updated our blog. It has been a crazy whirlwind of a summer!

The last week of school I was called into my principals office and given a "non renewal letter" aka pink slip. Devastated and confused I packed up my classroom and left CIS unemployed. My brain could not process everything that had happened the past two days I just knew that I HAD to find another job and SOON! Well, that was not God's week before school starts back and guess what, I am still unemployed. Still heartbroken and confused about my future as a teacher I have continued to stay positive and from it all my faith has grown like never before. Everything happens for a reason, for reasons we may not know now or ever it is all HIS plan. I know in my heart that it is all for the best but it's still hard. I have continued to take classes towards my master's degree and I WILL finish eventually! I refuse to give up and I never will! My family has been so supportive during all of this and I cannot thank them enough!

On the bright side we have had a wonderful summer. I have enjoyed my time at home with Lily. We have slept late, stayed in our pjs, played in the pool, and had fun every single day! She amazes me with how fast she learns things. If she sees me do something one time she knows exactly how to do it! She plays phonics games on the iPad and puts the letters in order to make words, she sings nursery rhymes, and dances like no other! This girl LOVES to dance...if she hears music her booty starts shaking or her foot starts stomping... she is the cutest! She even gets her arms going these days!  She was a flower girl in her Uncle Jakes wedding and will be in another wedding in a few weeks. She is on the cover of Alabama Baby and Chid magazine and she modeled a dress for a boutiques fall line. She is my little super star and I love every minute of it! The past few days she has wanted to wear "big girl" we let her wear them. She has had a few accidents but that's okay as long as she is interested in the potty! She starts dance Wednesday...I cannot wait to see her in class! I'm sure that she will be a hoot!
Working at Petty Line and wearing PawPaw's cowboy hat! 

Playing in the sand during our beach trip in May!


Dora exhibit at the McWayne Center! q

Dancing with Will at Dustin's wedding! 

Playing in a box at Petty Line! 

Loving her Lee Middleton babies! She is such a little momma...she feeds them and "changes" their diapers! 

Hanging out by the pool with mama! 

Trying on cowgirl boots at target! 

Posing for the camera backstage at the Jr. Miss Peach pageant! 

Took me 30 minutes and it was wavy by the time we walked out the door!! 

FIRST haircut!! 

Playing the computer at Petty Line! 

I hope that all of you are enjoying summer as much as I am! God bless!