Saturday, November 20, 2010

38 weeks

Lily Claire will be here by Wednesday afternoon!!!! We are going to induce labor at 6AM Wednesday morning if I have not gone into labor by then! At my 38 week checkup I was 2 cm dilated & 75% effaced so Dr. Heaton said that she may be here before Wednesday!!

Since I don't have any other news other than that and I refuse to share a belly picture at this point I thought I would share the sweet gifts from Lily Claire's Papa Ken & Fran! This was one of the first gifts that she received and I have been in love with all of it since the night I opened it! Here is a picture of everything...

The background of the picture is a blanket that Fran made especially for Lily Claire! There are also two burp cloths, two onesies, bloomers, a headband, & a jacket. I LOVE monogrammed things so naturally I loved everything they gave her!

Hopefully by the next post I will have pictures of my sweet baby girl to share! Happy Thanksgiving!

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