Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Lily Claire's first Valentine's day has been a wonderful day! It was beautiful outside so me and her went for a stroll in the neighborhood! She enjoyed being outside and riding in her stroller!

Meme (Zach's grandmother) sent her first great-granddaughter a Valentine's present! She sent a white blanket with a pink monogram and an adorable white bear! I took a few pictures of Lily Claire and her gifts from her Meme!

If only she would have parted with the pacie!

Gram & PawPaw gave Lily Claire two outfits, I can't wait for her to wear them this summer!!

Lily Claire also received a card from her mommy & daddy, a stuffed animal, and a "Drama Queen" box of candy(Zach picked this out because that is what he calls her! He said that he would eat the candy for her!! :) )

HAPPY 1ST VALENTINE'S DAY LILY CLAIRE!!! We all love you more than words can say!

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