Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Easter! (better late than never!)

Lily's first Easter was a great one! We celebrated Easter on Saturday because Zach & Bryan both had to work Easter Sunday. All of my family joined together at my parents' house to eat and celebrate our Christ and Savior. First, Zach, Lily, and I took our Easter pictures...if I do say so myself they turned out fantastic! Here are a few of my favorites...

After taking pictures my family arrived and we began getting dinner ready. We had a great time visiting with everyone!

On Sunday, Zach had to work...he ended up getting off at 12 and was able to come spend the day with me and Lily! Easter morning Lily and I got dressed and ready for her first Easter Sunday at church! My mom went with us to church and we had lunch afterwards. When Zach got home we played in the yard and grilled out with friends that night! It was a very special Easter weekend and we are so glad that we were able to spend it with my family and our friends!

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