Thursday, August 12, 2010

24 weeks and counting

I had a checkup on Monday and everything is looking great! I am measuring right on schedule and her heartbeat was 157 beats per minute. My next checkup is on September 9th and I will have my glucose test and 4-D ultrasound! I can't wait to see the 4-D and see our beautiful little girl! We can't wait for her to be here. My mom & I painted her room a few weeks ago. We also have her crib set up with her bedding in it. I am still trying to find the perfect dresser for her room and hopefully I will find it soon! Here are a few pictures of her nursery...


  1. Courtney, the pictures are great! The nursery looks so cute! I know you guys are excited! She is going to be a cutie!!

  2. Thanks Megan! Yes, we are really excited and can't wait to meet her!
