Thursday, December 23, 2010

One Month & Christmas Festivities

Friday our sweet girl was a month old! It is so hard to believe that it has already been a month since she arrived!

On Wednesday Lily Claire was able to get out of the house! It was a little warmer so I decided I would get her all dressed up and take her to the Petty Line Christmas party! The people at the office hadn't seen her yet so I thought it would be a good time to let her go visit them! They were so excited that Lily Claire was able come see them! Here is a picture of Lily Claire with her Uncle Bryan...

Every Christmas I get together with a few of the girls that I graduated from high school with...this year it happened to be Wednesday night! Zach was at work so I took Lily Claire with me! The girls were so excited that Lily Claire was able to come with me and that they were able to meet her! They had a fit over her and of course they held her! Hopefully a few of them caught baby fever!! I would love for Lily Claire to grow up with some of their kids like we all grew up together! :) I was too wrapped up in visiting with them to get ANY pictures.

On Christmas Eve we visited with Zach's Dad, Fran, Jake, Machelle, & Grandaddy Burke. Ken & Fran gave Lily Claire some very adorable gifts! Fran sews so she made her two dresses here are pictures of them:Lily Claire's "Pops" aka Ken & Fran also gave her a pair of leopard ballet flats with a pink gerber daisy on the toe! I can't wait to find some fabric and have Fran make her an outfit to match! Here is a picture of her shoes:Christmas Eve night we went to my grandmother's house to visit with my family. We had a houseful so I won't name everyone that was there, but they know we enjoyed visiting with them! Lily got more gifts there such as: money, burp cloths, a bib, & an ornament!CHRISTmas Day: Zach had to work today and we missed him dearly. It was just not the same without him there. Lily & I packed up and went to her Gram & PawPaw's house! We ate breakfast and opened gifts with my parents, grandmother, my brother's family, & my sister's family. Lily Claire got TONS of toys...literally I have no idea where we are going to put all of her stuff! I got some new clothes, jewelry, plant holder, & money & Zach got clothes, a Lowe's gift card, & we got a coffee pot as well! We are so blessed to have such wonderful families!

Here are a few pictures of Lily Claire from this week!

Friday, December 17, 2010


Wow! What a year! 2010 was a very eventful year for our family! It all began by me getting my degree in Elementary Education and filling a maternity leave at CIS. In March, Zach bought me a 2010 4-Runner! We also found out that I was pregnant in March! So, needless to say that was when the fun all began for 2010!! In May, we took our last vacation before the "baby" came. We went to Mexico with another couple and we had a wonderful time! In June, I along with my mom & sister coordinated the Jr Miss Peach Pageant! That was very special to me since I was the 1999 Jr Miss Peach! I was offered a position at CIS to teach 3rd grade...I accepted that offer! We also moved into our FIRST house this month. We were very excited about being homeowners, especially with a baby on the way! This month we also found out that we were having a baby girl...Lily Claire Burke! :) Can I just say that this was a VERY busy month for us! On July 26th we celebrated our 2nd anniversary!

In August, I began my first year of teaching!! I was so excited yet nervous about it at the same time! Their futures are in my hands and that can be a little scary at times! But, when you see a child progress in something that they have struggled with or see their "light bulb" come on it is SO worth it, even the tough days! In November, Lily Claire's nursery is ready, carseat installed, and now we wait for her to come! She did give us several false alarms as we waited for her. On November 24th at 4:34 PM our little angel was welcomed into the world! She weighed 7lbs, 6oz & was 20 inches long. I cannot even explain how it felt to hear that little cry for the first time! She is such a blessing to us and we honestly cannot remember what life was like before she was here! I tear up every time I think about the day she was born.

In December, we loved on Lily Claire every day and thanked God that she was healthy! She was a month old on Christmas Eve! We celebrated Christmas by visiting family on Christmas Eve & Christmas day. This year has passed by so quickly! It was the best year of my life and I will never forget it! Lily was a gift from God and I thank him daily! We can't wait to see what God has in store for us for 2011!
Pictures from 2010:
Easter~ 2010
This was our first family photo since we found out I was pregnant!Mexico~ May 2010
24 Hour Race- "The House Cleaners" team~ June 2010Baby Bump~ August 2010
Baby Bump~ September 2010Baby Bump ~ October 2010Baby Bump~ October 2010

I didn't take pictures after this! I didn't want to remember how swollen I was, I figured if I did remember I would never want to have another baby!!!!

Lily Claire~ November 24, 2010
Lily Claire~ December 2010Christmas Eve 2010


3 weeks old

Lily Claire is now 3 weeks old! She changes so much each day and I can't believe that it has already been 3 weeks since we first held our baby girl! She has been sleeping much better the past few days so let's hope it stays this way! She likes her bath (sometimes), her favorite part is when I rinse her off with the shower sprayer that is on her tub! Here are a few pictures of Lily from this week!

"Purrfect" pjs!

Lily & her big brother, Junior!
Sleeping late with Daddy

Friday, December 10, 2010

2 weeks old

Wow how time flies! I can't believe that Lily Claire is already 2 weeks old! It seems like just yesterday we were sitting at the hospital anticipating her arrival!

Lily has been blessed with many visitors and loving family members in the past 2 weeks. She hasn't been able to get out of the house much just is way to cold for that. She was able to get out for a little while last weekend to take her newborn pictures taken by Picture This Photography!

Here are some pictures of our sweet little angel...