Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 year Anniversary

On July 26, 2008 Zach and I said "I Do"! It has been three years since that day and we have accomplished so much together! Zach worked hard to support us while I finished college, in December 2009 I graduated with a BS in Elementary Education. He has been through many schools in the past three years with Prattville Fire Department. I am about to begin my second year at Clanton Intermediate School teaching third grade. In June 2010 we bought our first house and on November 24, 2010 we welcomed a very special little girl into our family! Sometimes it is hard to believe that we are parents....but we are so proud to call ourselves mommy and daddy! Lily Claire is a gift from God and we thank God for her each and every day!

Here are a few photos from 3 years ago!!

This is my favorite picture of us from our wedding!

The groomsmen were being a little aggressive!! haha! I love how my brother looks like he is going to pull my feet off! AND how sweet little Kaden is "holding" me up!!

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