Saturday, September 18, 2010

29 weeks, 2 days

I went to the doctor yesterday for the 3-hour glucose tolerance test. I will find out the results on Monday...hopefully I will not be diabetic! I will go to the doctor for my checkup on Wednesday and every two weeks after that.

Everything is starting to come together in the nursery, crib is ready, changing table is put together, glider is in all we have to get is the dresser. I have been working on getting her "coming home" outfit together. She will wear the dress that I wore home when I was born and the blanket that I used. Yesterday I found her shoes to go with her dress, they are adorable, they will have her monogram on them! Now, I just have to find her bow(just in case she has hair)!

I won a free maternity photo session with Sharon Melton and we will take the pictures in a few weeks! I am really excited about this and can't wait for the session! :)
And now for an updated picture...

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