Monday, October 4, 2010

31 weeks

I am now 31 weeks and 4 days along...the countdown is getting closer! Today we hung Lily's name above her crib, hung a painting in her room, and mom sewed butterflies on the valance to add more color! We are now moving right along!

The baby shower is this Sunday and I am getting really excited about it! Hopefully Lily Claire will be stocked up and ready after Sunday! We still need lots of necessities...diaper pail, car seat bases (for Zach & mom), bottles, high chair, play mat, and much much more!

I will go for another check-up tomorrow afternoon and hopefully everything will still be right on track! (Oh, I'm not sure if I mentioned that I passed the 3-hour glucose test!) I am growing more and more each day, I'm beginning to think I might just run out of room! My belly is now the size of a basketball and I can no longer see my swollen feet! haha! I will continue to keep everyone updated!31 weeks, 4 days

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